Summer Dreamscape

Summer Dreamscape is a project which I and Andy Wu collaborated on for CADRE Mentorship's Fall 2020 showcase called "Concious Dream." It is a point of view of a person who is taken away to a summer dreamland where they can escape mundane life during the pandameic. This video represents a combination of reality and fantasy, using motion graphic and digital frame-by-frame animation, with the purpose of creating the feeling of daydreaming to the viewers.

Due to the Covid-19 "stay-at-home" order since March 2020, it was such a difficult time for everyone as we were going through the greatest social distancing ever in the history. Through this video, we wanted to capture the emotion of nostalgia in a light hearted and possitive way, with the hope that everything will soon get back to how it used to be.

Link to Project's Doccumentation.