During the quarrantine in summer 2020, I challenged myself on joining #36daysoftype – a project that invites designers, illustrators and graphic artists to express their particular interpretation
of the letters and numbers of the Latin alphabet.
I managed to make the first 13 letters of the alphabet, and created different types of animations for each letters. Here are the themes of the letters:
- A, B, C, D: Chromatic
- E: ...I did not think of a theme for this O_O!
- F: "Flower"
- G: "Gem"
- H: "Happy"
- I: "愛" (/Ai/ = Love)
- J: "Juice"
- K: "Kaleidoscope"
- L: "Love"
- M: "Melt"
It was a very fun and personal project. In the future, I would definitely countinue to complete this project and develop more skills, such as 3D modelling and animation.